Showing all 6 results

  • Simonk

    30A SimonK Electronic


    Attributes of ESC 30A Simonk Specification; Max Cont. Current: 30A Peak Current: 40A (10s) Voltage: 2-3S lix BEC: 5V/3A Weight=31g Description: Efficiency of this Simonk is 100% N-FET design. Highest accuracy with Crystal Oscillator (Temperature won’t affect the PWM operating range like other cheap ESCs). No low voltage cutoff, because any cutoff in a multirotor…

  • 40A Emax Simonk

    40A SimonK ESC – High-Performance


    Specifications: This high-quality electric speed controller is perfect for RC boats. It’s a 40A brushless motor. Easy operation and safety. Continuous Output Current: 40A Max Current: 50A DC:3.7V-14.8V BEC:3A / 5V (Switch) Li-Poly: 2-3 Low resistance User-programmable brake Low voltage auto setting based on battery Soft start ramp up Auto motor cutoff with reset Runs…

  • Emax Simonk

    Emax Simonk 30A ESC


    Attributes of Emax Simonk 30A ESC Specification: Brand Name: Emax Item Name: Simonk Series ESC Current: 30A Input: 2-3S Li-Po Item continuous current burst current (10A) battery(cell) Dimension Wight(g) BEC mode BEC output programmable 30A 30A 40A 2~3 55*28*7 28 linear 2A/5V YES Features: Emax Simonk Based on Simon K firmware, further optimized to perfect…

  • HobbyWing

    Original Hobby Wing Sky


    Technical Specifications Skywalker Hobby Wing 40A ESC : Continuous 40A, Burst 55A. Input Voltage: 2-3S Li-Po, 5-9 cells. BEC: 5V 3A Switch mode BEC. Refresh rate of the throttle signal: 50Hz to 432Hz. Max Speed: 210000rpm for 2 Poles BLM, 70000rpm for 6 poles BLM, 35000rpm for 12 poles BLM.   Packet content: 100% Brand…

  • HobbyWing 80A

    Original Hobby Wing Skywalker


    Attributes of Hobby Wing 80A Skywalker ESC Description: Brand Name: Hobby wing Item Name: Sky-Walker 80A UBEC Item NO.: 30216200 Type: Brushless ESC, Regular voltage Cont./Peak Current: 80A/100A Input: 2-6S LiPo,5-18s Ni-MH BEC Output: Switch Mode–5V,5A Input Wires: Red-12AWG-150mm*1, Black-12AWG-150mm*1 Output Wires: Black-14AWG-100mm*3 Input Connectors: NO Output Connectors: NO ESC Programing via Transmitter, LED Program…

  • HobbyWing

    Skywalker Hobby-Wing


    Technical Specifications Skywalker Hobby-Wing 40A ESC : Output: Continuous 40A, Burst 55A. Input Voltage: 2-3S Li-Po, 5-9 cells. BEC: 5V 3A Switch mode BEC. Refresh rate of the throttle signal: 50Hz to 432Hz. Max Speed: 210000rpm for 2 Poles BLM, 70000rpm for 6 poles BLM, 35000rpm for 12 poles BLM. Packet Content: 100% Brand New…